Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

vena portae hepatis

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema venosum Short Extended
Current level vena portae hepatis Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
66645 4810 tax
vena portae hepatis ; vena portae
veine de la porte du foie ; veine de porte
66645 14686 tax
pars intrahepatica venae portae hepatis
partie intrahépatique de la veine de la porte du foie
15414 4811 tax
ramus dexter
rameau droit
15419 4812 tax
ramus anterior
rameau antérieur
15422 4813 tax
ramus posterior
rameau postérieur
15415 4814 tax
ramus sinister
rameau gauche
15789 4815 tax
pars transversa
partie transverse
15425 4816 tax
77160 4817 tax
pars umbilicalis
partie ombilicale
14080 2668 tax
ligamentum venosum
ligament veineux
15430 4818 tax
rami laterales
rameaux latéraux
70317 4819 tax
vena umbilicalis
veine ombilicale
14079 2672 tax
ligamentum teres hepatis
ligament rond du foie
15427 4820 tax
rami mediales
rameaux médiaux
71904 15540 tax
pars prehepatica venae portae hepatis
partie préhépatique de la veine de la porte du foie
15403 4821 tax
vena cystica
veine cystique
71591 4822 tax
venae paraumbilicales
veines paraombilicales
15398 4823 tax
vena pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior
veine pancreaticoduodénale supérieure postérieure
15399 4824 tax
vena gastrica sinistra
veine gastrique gauche
15400 4825 tax
vena gastrica dextra
veine gastrique droite
15404 4826 tax
vena prepylorica
veine prépylorique
14332 4827 tax
veine mésentérique supérieure
14331 4837 tax
veine splénique ; veine liénale
15491 tax
anastomoses portocavales
24 lines
79.2 %
79.2 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Under pathological conditions, venovenous ‘bypasses’ open to decrease hypertension in the portal vein system. These are enlarged existing venovenous anastomoses: Portocaval anastomoses. The following major routes can be distinguished (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 4810
Sublist 1 4827 vena mesenterica superior 11/12 on 21.1.2025
Sublist 2 4837 vena splenica 8/9 on 21.1.2025
Sublist 3 15491 anastomoses portocavales 24/25 on 21.1.2025
Subtotals subchildren 43 subunits 46
Proper children 23
Number of children 66 (validated)
Proper units 21
Number of units 67 (validated)
Signature 5752 (validated since 21.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025